If you're already used to exercising, then Pilates is a great way to maintain your strength and suppleness during pregnancy.

Help keep yourself fit for pregnancy & fit for birth
You can also use it as a way of stepping down the intensity of your usual exercise program. As the body changes shape during pregnancy and the hormones alter many women experience back or pelvic pain. Pilates works the muscles that support the back and pelvis. Coming to a Pilates class can help you focus on your body, with gentle stretches and strength exercises and elements of relaxation to help you keep yourself fit for pregnancy and fit for birth.
If you are not used to exercising or struggling to exercise due to back or pelvic pain then an individual Pilates session can design you a set of exercises designed specifically for your condition that you can continue at home. If you are pregnant and want to attend class please let us know you are pregnant and that the GP or midwife is happy for you to continue to exercise. Please let me know if there are any changes in your health or pregnancy and if you are having any issues in class such as dizziness or discomfort. this is when we tend to start to modify positions and certain exercises.
Most of the guidelines around exercise in pregnancy are to do with not overheating, which is not big risk in Pilates, but they say not to exercise in extremely hot weather, so bear that in mind over the summer months. Please keep hydrated, you can always bring a water bottle to class.
Pilates in the first trimester
Pregnancy is a time for maintaining fitness not for pushing progressing your fitness. It is not a time to physically stress your body. Please be aware that your blood pressure may reduce causing dizziness, particularly if you get up too quickly. With any stretching go gently, don’t force or bounce into the stretches, relaxin is released early on in pregnancy and causes ligaments to soften.
Pilates in the second trimester You may want to support your bump with pillows when lying on your side as you get bigger. You may prefer to work on all fours rather than lying flat on your tummy, we can work with you to adapt exercises as needed.
Week 16 if you get any symptoms such as dizziness or feeling sick when lying flat on your back, please use pillows to support you so that your spine is still straight but you are propped up again to stop pressure of the baby on the vena cava.
Week 20 stop bridging, due to pressure of the baby on the vena cava.
As pregnancy progresses as you work the abdominals please check that the tunny muscles don’t start to dome upwards as they work. If doming occurs you need to take the exercises down a level so instead of working with both legs in the air at table top you should work with one foot on the ground for support.
How far you continue doing Pilates in pregnancy is individual choice, just reduce the level of exercise and take rests as needed. We will work with you to help you adapt exercises as needed.We are not offering a specific pregnancy class at present. If you would like to join a class please contact us and we can discuss the best class to join.